Iperius Console: now you can enable PUSH notifications for each backup operation.Exchange Online Backup (Office 365): now you can choose whether to backup to.Exchange Online Backup (Office 365): improved stability and performance.Amazon S3: now Iperius supports backup even on buckets with permission restrictions, or to use credentials that allow to access only a single bucket.VMDK files or specific incremental and differential backups of virtual machines (.IBD files) and quickly recover individual files or folders.

Iperius backup not completed verification#
Exchange backup: fixed a problem of incorrect verification of the.Hyper-V Backup: fixed a problem with locked files in backup through the network.Hyper-V Backup: fixed some errors in copying state files (.vsv.Iperius Drive Image: solved error "file in use by another process" on some systems.Execution of external processes: now the paths stored in the configuration files are encrypted and it will therefore be necessary to save the configuration again.Local or network copy and zip compression: added the ability to keep previous incremental and differential backups for a predetermined number of days.Restore of individual files from image backups (VHD / VHDX): now you can explore the different partitions of an image backup.Iperius Drive Image: added support for backup and restore of dynamic disks (software raid).Fixed a problem in linking VHD / VHDX files to restore individual files on French language systems.MySQL backup: now the blob / binary fields are exported in hexadecimal format (hexblob).VMware ESXi Backup: Now when a VM backup is copied to a job destination, only the VM folder is copied and not all of the destination folder.
Iperius backup not completed update#

Iperius Recovery Environment®: the new Iperius boot environment to easily restore image backups, even on different hardware.Bare metal recovery: possibility to create a Iperius recovery disk, without needing the Windows installation disk (USB or ISO recovery drive).New Drive Image Backup: proprietary engine, disk cloning, P2V conversion, instant restore on Hyper-V.